
To be faithful is to be devoted, reliable, steadfast and unwavering. It means to be constant and to have fidelity – ultimately, faithfulness equals trust, which is an integral part of our original marriage vows and pledge to one another. Since exploration and discovery is such an important part of life, and what fueled the… Continue reading Faithfulness

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Communication is a connection between people or places. It is the giving and receiving of information. It is the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else. Communication is a powerful tool in the hands of the… Continue reading Communication

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Character is a virtue that entails courage, perseverance, responsibility, self-discipline, compassion, faith, honesty, loyalty and friendship. Couples create a collective character that reflects “who they are” to themselves and to other people. The challenge is to create a collective vision of “who they want to be”. Then together they can filter their actions through this… Continue reading Character

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Laughter has been and continues to be a key aspect that binds us, not only in joyful times but also in times of sorrow. Laughter is a form of communication. It is a language all its own. The Lord has blessed our family with a natural sense of humor, which brings us together in unexpected… Continue reading Laughter

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Caring in our marriage means that we are willing to protect each other in every way. It also means that we always have the best interests of one another as a priority, which is not always easy. It takes a daily effort on both our parts to make it work. Wayne and Loyda Married since… Continue reading Caring

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The meaning of the word partner is “a person who takes part in an undertaking with another with shared risks and profits”. Partnership has both risks and profits, or benefits. So does the marriage partnership. The reason many marriages fail is because the “partners” only want to share the profit, or benefits of the marriage.… Continue reading Partnership

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The word endurance means “the ability to do something difficult for a long time: the ability to deal with pain or suffering that continues for a long time”. Endure means “to support without breaking or yielding, to remain in the same state”. Endurance is one of the most important foundational stones needed for a long… Continue reading Endurance

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Kindness is doing things for each other without being asked, convinced, or pressured. Rubbing my feet when I place them in his lap. He ensures the garbage is taken out without being reminded and making sure he has a lunch daily. Having dinner ready for him when he walks in the door from work or shortly after. Pat &… Continue reading Kindness

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